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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas
"We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!!!"

*secretive princess* [12:00 AM]
___make a wiish___

Thursday, December 23, 2004
Sagittaurius & Gemini
Sagittarius is the centaur, Cheiron. Cheiron was unlike the other brutal Centaurs. He was kind and taught medicine, hunting, music and prophecy. He was a wonderful teacher to many great heroes, such as Jason and Achilles, and a friend to Heracles. The latter was the one who accidentally killed the Cheiron. While hunting a boar, Heracles shot Cheiron in the knee with one of his poisoned arrows. Being an immortal, Cheiron could not die, but Heracles promised that he would help him. This is were Prometheus comes in. Heracles happened upon him and discovered that he couldn't be freed unless someone took his place. Cheiron agreed and Prometheus was set free. Cheiron was allowed to die and Zeus placed his image among the stars as reward of his noble character.

Gemini is the sign of the twins. In Greek Mythology, these twins were Castor and Polydeuces (Pollux). Together, they were known as the Discouri. Their sisters were Helen and Clytemnestra. They were the sons of Leda and Zeus and Tyndareus. Sound confusing? It is! Castor and Pollux were half-brothers. Leda was married to King Tyndareus of Sparta. At this time, she was also seduced by Zeus, so the father's of both children were uncertain. The Discouri were inseperable and grew closer with age. Castor was a famous horsetamer and Pollux, a superb boxer. When Castor was killed during a battle, Pollux was inconsolable and gave up his own life to be with his brother. Zeus rewarded their love by placing their images among the stars, where they shine side by side. Two lines of stars makes up this constellation, and two bright stars at the top of each line represent Castor and Pollux's heads.

Adapted from: http://www.geocities.com/hestia624/index.html

*secretive princess* [1:43 PM]
___make a wiish___

First Post
Ok this is the first post by ME.. hahahhahaa.. the rest shall be done by u liao k?? the blog add of http://cheiron-discouri.blogspot.com/ is the meaning of Cheiron = Sagittaurius and Discori = Gemini.. found from a greek mythology website...

*secretive princess* [12:50 PM]
___make a wiish___

haowei&yuwei 071283&180687 ntu&yjc

x yuwei
x haowei

_____m e mo r i e s*
x December 2004

speak out loud

i wish upon a s t a r;;
wanna be right where u are
u set my world alight

everybody's got something they had to leave behind.
i wish upon a s t a r ;;
there's no use looking back or wondering

how it could be now or might have

somehere in my memory i've lost all sense of time
and tomorrow can never be
cos yesterday is all that fills my mind.